compact discs
MOZART, sonatas for violin and piano K. 301, 304, 378 & 454,
with Christophe Simonet
BNL 112767
BACH, sonatas and partitas for solo violin
(2 volumes)
BNL 112781 & 112790
BRAHMS, sonatas for violin and piano,
with Christophe Simonet
BNL 112786
MOZART, concertos for violin and orchestra K. 216, 218 & 219,
with the Prague Josef Suk Orchestra, dir. Jacques-Francis Manzone
BNL 112807
FRANCK, FAURE, DEBUSSY, sonatas for violin and piano,
with Christophe Simonet
BNL 112817
BEETHOVEN, sonatas for violin & piano n° 1, 5 & 7
with Christophe Simonet
BNL 112821
BRUCH & MENDELSSOHN, concertos for violin & orchestra
with the Bonner Jugend-Sinfonie-Orchester, dir. Wolfgang Badun
BNL 112827
BACH, sonatas for violin and harpsichord BWV 1014 to 1019
with Anne Robert (2 volumes)
BNL 112831 & 112858
HAYDN, concertos pour violon et orchestre, with the Czech String Ensemble
dir. J. F. Manzone
BNL 112834
CORELLI, LOCATELLI, GIULIANI, PAGANINI, a recital for violin and guitar
with Philippe Villa
BNL 112855
DVORAK & TCHAIKOVSKI, concertos for violin & orchestra
with the Kosice Statna Filharmonia dir. B. Rezucha
BNL 112874
BEETHOVEN, sonatas for violin & piano n° 4, 9 & 10
with Yukio Yokoyama
BNL 112864
HÄNDEL, Six sonatas for violin & continuum
with Vincent Warnier
BNL 112875
MOZART, Church sonatas,
with Gordan Nicolic, Jean-Marie Trottereau, Georges Bessonnet
Syrius 141398
BRAHMS & CHAUSSON, concerto & "Poem" for violin & orchestra
with the Košice Štátna Filharmónia , dir.Peter Feranec
BNL 112891
BEETHOVEN, concerto & romances for violon and orchestra
with the Ostrava Janacek Philharmony dir. Peter Feranec
BNL 112918
SCHUBERT, rondo op. 70, Sonata op. 162, Fantaisie op. 159
with Yukari Fujino
BNL 112929
MOZART, sonatas for violin & piano K. 296, 304, 378 & 526
with Tatiana Pavlova
BNL 112944
"Per due violini, bassa ed organo..." with E. Rothstein, F. Audibert & H. Schauerte
Syrius 141398
BACH, sonatas et partitas for solo violin
two volumes
BNL 112952
MILHAUD, chamber music works
with Eliane Reyes & Jean-Marc Fessard
Naxos 8.572278
LALO, Symphonie Espagnole & DUBOIS, violin concerto
with the Štátna Filharmónia Košice, dir. Zbynek Müller
BNL 112964
VIVALDI, Le Quattro staggioni, with the Orchestre du Marais
dir. Pascal Vigneron
Quantum 7070
BRAHMS, trios for violin, cello and piano,
with Florent Audibert & Jean Dubé
BNL 112966
sonatas for solo violin
BNL 112979
Comments (2)

- 1. | 15/12/2022

- 2. | 05/10/2019
- de la part d'une vernolienne !